About No More Desire
Empowering Men Across the World to
Live the No More Porn Lifestyle
Hi, I'm Jake Kastleman, and this is my awesome family. As a man who struggled with porn addiction over a decade myself, I know the pain it causes for millions and their loved ones across the world.
After overcoming my own addiction, my mission wasn't just to help men "stop watching porn". Instead, my mission is help men build a recovery mindset and lifestyle so they lose their desire for porn.
With the right systems and practices in place, this is possible. I know because I've done it, and I help men around the world to it every single day.
No More Desire ™ is not about silly mental techniques to overcome porn cravings. It's an Intensive Porn Addiction Recovery Program with hands-on strategies and practices that teach men to stop cravings before they start.
To learn how you can overcome porn addiction for good, set up a Free Consultation, where I’ll get to know your story and help you discover the roots of your porn addiction, so you can understand what’s been leading to your porn cravings, and how to overcome them. I’ll also answer all of the questions you have about the program. Set up your Free Consultation now.
An Intensive Porn Addiction Recovery Program
I have both personal and professional experience with overcoming porn addiction. I've been in the trenches; I understand what it's like to feel hopeless, and I know the steps you need to take to get clean. I'll provide you with the tools to quit, including a tailored and personalized recovery plan so you can break free from porn.
My program teaches you powerful psychological and behavioral techniques, methods, and exercises to achieve long-lasting sobriety. These methods go far beyond dealing with cravings, and deal instead with developing a No More Porn Lifestyle. To not only get clean, but to know exactly what you need to do every single day to stop cravings before they start.
To learn how you can get rid of porn addiction for good, check out my Intensive Porn Addiction Recovery Program.


10 Quick Mental Techniques to Stop Porn Cravings
Fundamental Strategies for Porn Addiction Recovery
Know how to beat porn cravings. Have 10 mental tools you can use at any moment.
Prevent urges from hi-jacking your mind. Remain in the driver's seat and stay sober.
​Get out of 'limbic thinking' (seek pleasure, avoid pain) and into 'prefrontal cortex thinking' (purpose, meaning, connection).
Redirect your mind instead of fighting cravings. Learn how to break porn addiction by redirecting the mind when faced with unwanted thoughts.
Turn triggering situations into growth experiences. Prevent escalation into slip/relapse.
Reverse lust/fantasizing thoughts. Use thought-replacement strategies that rewire your brain & create new long-term habits.
"Having a porn addiction doesn't make you bad, immoral, or perverted. It just means you have some skills to discover. Practice them each day, and eventually porn addiction will be a distant memory."